Rainbow6Vegas 2



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  • Zabka
    Imperial Guard
    • Nov 2004
    • 4956
    • DSA Zabka

    Rainbow6Vegas 2

    Part 1 – Game Mechanics, Weapons & PEC System
    Questions Answered: Part 2 – Multiplayer
    Questions Answered: Part 3 – Story Mode / Terrorist Hunt

    Game Mechanics, Weapons & PEC System

    Destroyable Environments – You’ve heard of bullet penetration, but we’ve taken it further. Not only can you shoot through wooden doors and thin walls, you can also break certain objects (such as tables) within the battlefield depending on its durability. See a tango taking cover behind a wooden crate? Shred it and watch them panic, or just shoot them through the box, whatever works for you. You can also damage certain vehicles, some to the point where they even explode. We also give you environmental objects that can help you, such as fire extinguishers which will give off smoke when you shoot them, and combustible tanks. We didn’t place these objects in areas that don’t fit within the environment (I’ve seen other games where gas tanks are placed in the middle of a public street); these environmental tools are found in places that make sense, such as a gas tank under a BBQ grill. Be warned… if the enemy AI spots these objects they’ll use them on you too.

    Sprinting - You can sprint for a limited time until your character gets tired. Think of an imaginary bar that depletes itself when you sprint, and slowly begins to fill up again when you don’t. While you sprint you cannot do any other actions, so use it wisely. It’s really handy when you hear a frag hitting the floor. Sprinting uses the Left Bumper (360), L2 (PS3) and Shift Key (default for PC, can be re-assigned).

    Other Game Mechanics -
    Sorry folks, no “active reload”. Gadgets work pretty much the same. Doors behave the same as Vegas 1 (open and close) with the inclusion of shooting through them/blowing them up depending on the thickness. No melee. Cover system is the same as Vegas 1 but more refined (a lot of testing went into ridding bugs). No “running-man” glitch. No location-based armour (shooting a person’s leg causes the same damage as shooting their arm), however, if your enemy AI is being shot in the foot when taking cover, he’ll actually respond now by moving further back behind cover.

    Weapons -
    The 11 new weapons are as follows:
    P99 (Pistol)
    Type 05 JS (SMG)
    FNC (Assault)
    L85A2 (Assault)
    AKS-74U (Assault)
    M468 (Assault)
    500 TACTICAL (Shotgun)
    L96 Arctic Warfare (Sniper)
    SR-25 SD (Sniper)

    The “Noob Cannon” (XM-26 LSS) has a slower rate of fire than Vegas 1. Silencers do NOT alert other enemy AI if they aren’t paying attention, which is a major improvement for silencer gameplay. The new SR-25 SD is the first sniper gun with a silencer attachment, making it extra deadly. I can also confirm that silencers DO add extra accuracy to guns but lessens the damage. You can now attach an ACOG Scope on SMGs.

    P.E.C. Menu - Improvements from Vegas 1: you can now “swap gadgets” without having to go through the trouble of manually swapping to a different gadget and replacing your current one. Also, you now have 4 slots for custom preset equipment templates: Assault, Recon, Demolition & Sniper. Whatever weapons and gadgets you save on each template will always be there as you freely swap between them. Another great feature is having an auto-save for silencers and rate of fire, meaning, if you have your silencer on in single player, co-op or multiplayer, they will automatically save unless you replace the weapon. You also have a separate equipment template for Story/Terrorist Hunt because you can assign “two primary” guns and a handgun, unlike multiplayer where you assign “one primary” gun and a handgun. Yes, you can now assign two primary guns when playing Terrorist Hunt offline AND online. Last but not least, the P.E.C. menu is not on a separate screen that requires loading. You see the P.E.C. menu as soon as you press start at the main title screen. For those who have played Vegas 1, you will be happy to know that there are no longer 2 loading screens prior to joining a multiplayer map. Loading times have been drastically improved.


    Max # of players:
    360 - 14, Dedicated Server 16
    PS3 - 14 Dedicated Server 16
    PC - 14, Dedicated Server 16

    No map editor.
    Ever hear someone tell you, “I’ll take your whole team on”? Multiplayer matches no longer have to be balanced. For example, you can now have a game of 7 vs 2 (Player Match only). No host migration. No split screen online. No multiple “squads” per team.

    Join In Progress - You now have the option of allowing players to join in the middle of a multiplayer map and play right away instead of waiting until the end of the match. You can toggle this option if you want joiners to wait until the end. No party-invite.

    Menu Interface – Vegas 1 fans will be happy to know that when in a full room, you can now swap teams without asking someone to leave and re-invite them back. As mentioned in Part 1, you now have 4 slots for custom preset equipment templates: Assault, Recon, Demolition & Sniper. Whatever weapons and gadgets you save on each template will always be there as you freely swap between them. From the multiplayer menu, you have the following:

    Launch Game (host only)
    Change Team
    Match Settings (changeable by host)

    Communication - While your team is talking, your HUD will display the person’s name on the top left, showing you who is talking.

    Sprinting & Bullet Penetration – Sprinting and Bullet Penetration is available in all modes. Please refer to Part 1 for more information.

    Host Control in Ranked Matches Improved - Ranked Matches are a competitive area where players go to affect their statistics. Therefore, we have certain “fixed” settings that cannot be modified by the host in order to create a fairer experience:

    - Join In Progress: Disabled
    - Game Invitations: Disabled
    - Friendly-Fire: Host Control
    - Host cannot kick players under any circumstances; In Lobby & In Game.
    - Automatically kick a player after 3 Team-Kills
    - Lock Teams: Host Control
    - Host cannot force a player to change teams
    - Auto-Swap Teams: Host Control
    - Game cannot start until there is an even number of players on both teams. (ex: 3v3, 4v4)
    - Require a minimum number of 4 players before starting the game.
    - Modify respawn setting: Disabled; therefore this setting is disabled from the CREATE MATCH and MATCH SETTING screens altogether.

    Radar (Overhead Map) – Can be toggled on or off and is auto-saved to your system. You can set this under multiplayer OPTIONS.

    Kill Cam – When enabled, the camera will look to the location from which the killing shot came. Kill cam can be toggled on or off under multiplayer MATCH SETTINGS.

    Loading Time – As mentioned in Part 1, fans will be happy to know that there are no longer 2 loading screens prior to joining a multiplayer map. Loading times have been drastically improved.

    Rankings – Vegas 2 will reward returning gamers with enough XP to make the first rank, as well as extra gear to help you on your mission. If you are a returning Elite (or completed story mode on realistic difficulty) you will be rewarded all the benefits that veteran gamers get + more.

    XP Cap per match – There is none! Depending on how well you play (A.C.E.S., Team Kill, Suicide, # of Kills, etc) you can earn up to and over 1200 XP (which was the cap limit in Vegas 1). Mind you, it takes a lot of skill to earn over 1200 XP per match.

    Multiplayer Modes

    Team Leader (NEW): Eliminate the enemy team’s leader and their team while protecting your own leader. As long as the Team Leader is still alive, all other team members can respawn to aid the team. Once the Team Leader is killed, there will not be anymore respawns for the team. However, if the Team Leader kills someone on the opposing team, they will no longer respawn whether or not their team leader is alive or dead.

    Total Conquest (NEW): A revised version of Conquest mode, Total Conquest is an intense back-and-forth game where the tide can turn at anytime. Capture all three satellite transmitters and hold them for the duration of the countdown. If a satellite is interrupted the countdown resets.

    Deathmatch: Free-for-all combat with no mercy. The player with the most kills wins the match. Respawns optional. Renamed from Survival & Sharpshooter.

    Team Deathmatch: Two teams compete by hunting each other to see which team will rack up the most kills. Respawns optional. Renamed from Team Survival & Team Sharpshooter.

    Attack & Defend (There are three game types depending on the map)

    A&D - Item Extraction: The Attackers must reach and pick up a briefcase, then bring it to an extraction zone. The Defenders they must prevent this from happening. The match can also be won by eliminating the opposing team. C4 cannot be attached to the briefcase. The Defenders cannot pick up the briefcase.

    A&D - Hostage Rescue: Two hostages are placed in different areas of the map. To win, the Attackers must successfully locate and escort the hostages to the extraction point. The Defenders must prevent the attackers from escorting the hostages to the extraction area.

    A&D – Demolition (NEW): One team must pick up the bomb and successfully detonate it inside one of the target sites. The other team must prevent this from happening by finding the bomb and defusing it. In other words, there is a role-reversal where the attackers become the defenders (arm bomb then protect it during the countdown), and defenders become the attackers (defend target sites then defuse it when armed).
    You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!

  • Inlimbo
    Honorary DSA
    • Oct 2004
    • 377
    • InLimbo


    Yeah this looks great. I've had 4 videos that i've been trying to upload 2 the site showing off game footage. I talked to Ratix and i am going to get a night set aside for this game. This is a great tactical shooter and the clan needs to be involved.
    <iframe src=http://gamercard.xbox.com/en-US/Inlimbo.card scrolling=no frameBorder=0 height=140 width=204>Test</iframe>


    • Capthemfoos
      Honorary DSA

      Heh, the problem may be getting the clan off COD 4 and on to this game. Lol. But I'll get it when it comes out.

      "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


