Destiny is FABULOUS!!
Funny Videos
I died lmao
Steam Train Animated - Sakura Spirit Revengance
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
Game grumps: Denace the Menace
Game Grumps Animated - Get Outta Here!:
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
Went on a research binge to find out what the fuck is with all this Yeet shit ive been hearing in the party chat lately.
Remember ive been sick for a while so Im pretty much late and out of the loop.
So let me get this straight..
The OG:
13 yr old goes viral and makes it a dance:
Original Yeet dance:
And then the Internet... Well.. You know..
Ultimate YEET Vine Compilation 2014:
So then a bunch of idiots with no belts and too much weed in their system be like...
Gumby on dat YEET:
These are actually funny
Get out of here Simba YEET:
Okay... Im done.. Lol
Just WTF is this dumb shit!!sigpic
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
These are really funny. The guy does all kinds of cool stuff.
Thomas Sanders Vine compilation 2014 (300 Vines):
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
Game Grumps animated. Probably the best animator.
Game Grumps Animated - Pokemon Police:
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
When your broad texts you: I'm off my period."
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
This is pretty hilarious. Check it out! :D
When she calls you to tell you...
When Your Girl Is Off Her Periodsigpic
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
I laughed my ass off watching this like 20 times in a row.
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment