Halloween banned ???



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    Halloween banned ???


    WTF ????

    You think your rights are being taken away?

    As a haunter and a DSA member and a constititonalist, you think your rights are being eroded???

    Now even Halloween is a crime?

    WTF !!!!???

  • RageProphetXIII
    • Jan 2009
    • 3029

    What a bunch of morons. What the hell are they gonna do arrest you for trick or treating.


    And then he's surprised that some people disagree...gee I wonder why...

    what is this world coming to?


    • Hogezz
      Honorary DSA
      • Jan 2009
      • 1543

      You can blame the no win no fee attitude on that one! That shit pisses me off!


      • Rommel
        • Jul 2009
        • 314

        So what?

        Do it anyway! They can't legally ban trick-or-treating.

        Geez, we really need to figure out a way to keep old people and lawyers busy so they don't become politicians.


        • The_Blunt
          • Jul 2007
          • 1822
          • DSA Blunt

          They might ban Halloween from my town also after my band performs.


          • cmj75
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 1178

            all those things..like in our school where we can't hang anything related to Christmas up..it has to be a winter holiday..it is just silly. Why can't common sense prevail and why are we so concerned with lawsuits, offending people, etc.


            • Hogezz
              Honorary DSA
              • Jan 2009
              • 1543

              Because of no win no fee! People need the risk of loosing hard cash for making dumb claimed caused by stupidity or greed!


              • SnipeKing

                yeah they can ban trick or treating technically they can arrest you for child endangerment (a child knocking on doors) and harassment (knocking on doors) so really they can do whatever they want welcome to america.


                • Phoenix
                  Honorary DSA

                  It is time for a revolution.
                  Boom. Outta here.



                  • Kamui
                    Imperial Advisor

                    DSA Revolution!

                    No really, My thoughts on this are that it isn't really far that they would try to ban a day that was meant for spooks, and chills. It seems like these people don't know how to fight back or don't have any preventive measures against burglars. Those knuckleheads I swear.
                    Last edited by Kamui; 10-15-2009, 11:23 PM.
                    <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


                    • Deslock
                      Darth Beratter

                      It was quickly repealed.:

                      After many parents signed petitions.

                      Guys, I know people want children to be safe, and I support that. But here lately in America, common sense has just seemed to give in to "Cradle to grave" security. Did you see the story where that little boy was to be suspended from school for 45 days for bringing his camping untensil to school, and fork, butterknife, and spoon to school to show off his latest Boy scout award? Because it had a blunt knife in it, the school's "no tolerence" rule went into effect. They had a day of "bring what makes you proud day in school for his class". Or the little girl on her birthday, her Mom made her a birthday cake to share with her liitle schoolmates, but she also brought a serated knife to cut it with to her class?. She was expelled!!!. It was overturned eventually. But honestly...WTF??!!!

                      There is also another story where one little girl that suffered from migraines came to school with a few tylenol pills, and was suspended for bring "drugz" to school.

                      I mean really...???

                      What happened to common sense these days.??

                      These issue need to be held on a "case by case" issue. Zero tolerence now means zero common sense. These people in charge at schools should be more sensible. Dress codes? heh, My old high school had a smoking area. Now kids are suspended for even having smokes in their own car.

                      Like that's really gonna keep kids from smoking.


                      They'll just go to stealing them from their parents, when they're not looking.
                      And it was against the law for us to drink also. But guess what? we got it anyways. Want a way? you'll find a way around it.

                      Prohibition did great, didn't it?

                      Halloween was and is a wonderful time. The one day out of the year when you could be a zombie, a fireman, or a fairytale princess. Or whatever you might dream of. It's a child's time of wonderment. Don't take that from them. Meet your neighbors that frightful night, let your kids laugh and be afraid of the spooks in the night. Let them know that you love them, and everything is going to be allright, because you're there for them. And that there's lots of yummy candy rewards for being brave !

                      One of my best memories from my haunts is a brave 'lil girl that came up to me, with me wearing my Zombie costume with all the guts hanging out, and my fearsome machete covered in blood, looked me right in the eye, and said "I'm NOT scared of you !!", and went for her well deserved candy.

                      And guys, I had other kids drop their candy and run for the hills at seeing me in my full horrifying gruesomeness, coming right at them.

                      I couldn't help but laugh, and pat her on the head. God bless that 'lil one.

                      Don't deny your children these great memories. They became so dear to me that I've spent thousands of dollars on my haunt. The cold chill in the air...the spooks making their rounds, and Mom and Dad making it all safe for them. The smell of burning wood, and leaves on the ground. And pumpkins giving their invitefull grin....

                      Let the fun continue..always.



                      • SnipeKing

                        the problem is that there are too many weirdos in the world that take things and make them bad. yes your scaring kids and whatnot but there is also a guy somewhere coaxing up a scheme to take kids for ransom or whatever those sick fucks dream up. as to other statements made smoking around schools means there is a fire source so thats why its banned. and tylenol IS a drug so yes she took them for a reason but whos stopping her from takeing a entire bottle because someone said shes fat or something?

                        i'm not trying to be a dick or anything but once you look at everything in prospective i can see why things are changing if the parents in that community feel their kids are at risk why can't they say "we want to ban trick or treat" i think as a community and as a nation we should have a right for the people to have a vote if they feel that strongly about it. our town has many votes on shit and some get turned down and some pass. if my town (15,000 people) takes trick or treat to a vote and 12,000 want it banned then fuck it ban it.


                        • TheRealHanSolo
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 1927
                          • DSA Solo

                          I guarantee you it has nothing to do with safety. This guy is probably some crazy religious zealot who hates Halloween because people dress up in non-holy costumes. Too bad this dumbass probably doesn't realize that every major religious holiday he celebrates is a sham and grounded in "pagan" rituals.

                          However, Snipe is right if a town votes to ban it, then ban it. Until years later when they vote again and unban it. Kinda like my town which a year ago finally voted to sale beer in stores because the county is still a dry county. Yet, this county had more bootleggers in the 30s than all other surrounding counties, go figure.


                          • captnjeter
                            Honorary DSA

                            Well I don't think things like this should be banned. If you don't want people coming to your house to trick-or-treat then don't answer your door, or go out for the afternoon. If you don't want children to TP, or throw eggs, or silly-string your house, get a big dog. Or a paintball gun. They want to come to my house, they are free game for me to terrorize them right back. I'll get a couple of dozen eggs and throw them right back. Fair game for everyone.

                            But banning Halloween is just as dumb as walking into a pre-K classroom and telling everyone that Santa doesn't exist. Halloween IS autumn as much as football, the World Series and golden-orange leaves are. If I were a parent in this town, I would encourage my kids to go out even if it was banned. The "bad press" the town gets is well worth any fine I would have to pay.

                            A couple of years ago I volunteered at my high school to help out at a Halloween event we had where kids from the elementary schools could go around and trick-or-treat in school and my friends noticed some kids weren't taking the candy. One of my friends turned to me and said "Children without candy on Halloween? That's fucked up." I agree.

                            There are much worse things children could be doing on Halloween than dumping shaving cream on my car. Or spelling out some profanity with silly string. People that don't understand that should be publicly executed by way of an "egging".
                            "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


                            • SnipeKing

                              halloween and christmas are completely different. one reason for example is the simple fact of the "holiday" in question. do kids get the day off school for this day? no. do the parents get the day off work for this day? no. however you do get the day off (some companies may not but for the majority) for the others thanksgiving, xmas and alot of the others as well. banning halloween doesn't really change anything except that by not having it you don't have to fight with your kids as to how many they can have, or have it keep them awake and hyper as shit, or for some parents worry about what that guy did or did not put in the candy. 1 guy isn't going to cancel a holiday in a entire town but if the majority feels that way then why have a holiday that only 1/3-1/4 of the people in the town are going to participate in? if you have a block of 30 people and 2/3 of them don't participate then your child is going to 10 house on an entire block where is the fun in that? when i was a kid we went to 60 houses and fill pillowcases up to the top it was fun as hell but 20 houses would have defiantly taken the fun out of it and i wouldn't have gone.


