Advent Conspiracy



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    Advent Conspiracy

    If you're not a Christian, or you do not celebrate this travesty and outright lie that is called "Christmas" today, don't worry about this post, just disregard it and click the "back" button on your browser toolbar.

    But if you are, and you do, please take a good hard look, and please, please reconsider this nasty, abhorent, and ruined Holiday. Spend less money on your family, but rather spend more TIME with them. For that is truly priceless, and without measure.

    Just ask my wife which she'd like more. A new Ipod, or the chance to talk to her Mother in person just one more time.

    Get REAL people. Close your wallet, and open your heart, and your schedule.

    [ame=""]YouTube- Advent Conspiracy Promo Video[/ame]

    HEAVEN (AP): Jesus Christ, longtime namesake of the holiday “Christmas”, has issued a statement through heaven’s lone lawyer, asking that His Name be completely removed from the aforementioned holiday.

    Said Christ, “Many of My followers get uptight when people use X-mas to remove my name from the holiday. But quite frankly, I prefer it that way. Seriously…have you even seen what happens leading up to this day?!?”

    Christ, known during his time on earth as an advocate for the poor and downtrodden, continued: “Riots in shopping malls? Fistfights over video game systems? Spending exorbitant amounts of money on people who already have everything they could possibly ask for? Does that sound like something I’d like to be involved in? Pick one of those other pretend deities and name this holiday after them. I’m through with it. Besides, I was very likely born in the springtime.”

    In His statement, Christ produced graphs and documentation that the Christmas holiday has suffered a sharp downward moral spiral over the past few decades. While gifts to the poor have increased over this time, they have not increased at the same rate as greed, gluttony, self-centeredness, and violent temper tantrums as a result of not getting a Wii that I asked for TWO WHOLE YEARS IN A ROW.

    “Look, I’m all for the large amounts of time spent with the family during the holidays,” Christ continued. “That part I can get behind. However, I already created a time when families are supposed to get together and think about Me. It’s called ‘Sunday‘. Perhaps this X-mas time would be less stressful for everyone if you took advantage of the 52 other times during the year when you’re supposed to be together.”

    Christ refused to lay all of the blame at the feet of secular commercialism: “My children are the cause of a lot of My consternation…as usual. I mean, have you seen how eager they are to nail me to a cross? These days, you can’t get through an X-mas message without hanging Me out to dry by the end of it. They’re trying to kill me quicker than Herod did when I was born for real the first time! For My sakes, can you not let the Son of Man live His 33 years before killing Him?!? Do they not realize that without those 33 perfect years, that cross didn’t mean diddly-squat?” Such strong language only emphasizes Christ’s seriousness regarding this issue.

    When asked for a reaction to Christ’s statement, most of the world’s Christians had their mouths too full of mashed potatoes and/or stuffing to understand what they were saying. At the time of this printing, no other deities had offered to attach their name to the holiday in Christ’s stead.

    Christ completed his statement by admitting that the entire idea of Christmas was not entirely unsalvageable. “Look, I’m a forgiving guy. It’s kinda my shtick. Can we just get back to the basics of this holiday? Let’s focus on giving, let’s focus on the most downtrodden, let’s focus on children and widows and the needy. Even crazier, let’s focus on the sinful. In short, let’s focus on the people whom I focused on while I was here on earth. Please?!?”


    Santa is a LIE !!! Saint Nicolaus was a real person, and a Saint. He wasn't fat, Jolly, nor live on the North Pole. He never magically whisked down chimneys, he knocked on doors.


    And HE'S DEAD !! been long dead too. Please don't teach this horrible lie to your children. The truth is a lot better, and a better story to.

    As Chris Rock wisely said,
    "Notice that they take God out of school, take God out of the Governnment, and God out of the workplace. They keep God right where he belongs.....

    on our money."
    Please...spend less.

    Give more.

    I'm sure there is a battered women and children's shelter in your town, that could use the cash a lot more than you need to give away that Ipod.

    Thank you, and may God bless you all, everyone.


  • Andy
    Honorary DSA

    That was great Deslock! I really enjoyed reading that and watching the video as well! It holds so much truth behind it. People have completely forgotten the true meaning behind Christmas. I have said multiple times that I will not teach my children about Santa. Some people have called me crazy for saying that but am I really that crazy? I think not!


    • dRiX
      • Jul 2006
      • 136

      If it were only easy to convince adults(mainly the ones who've lived by the common wrong traditions like this one all their lives)while me being a teen. They are arrogant and stubborn when it comes to discussions about the truth. But, I don't really care anymore just ignore it and believe what you believe, if that's what makes you happy.
      Now playing: Resistance 2


      • Deslock
        Darth Beratter

        Worried About Big Retailers Ruining Christmas?...Stop Worrying, They're Too Late!
        Dave GibsonNovember 30, 2008 :

        Many of my fellow conservatives, along with several Christian advocacy groups are angry because most of the nation's retail giants have chosen to no longer wish shoppers a "Merry Christmas." The box stores are instead offering the generic greeting of "Happy Holidays."

        While I agree that the decision is yet another sign that this nation is surrendering to political correctness, I would assert that we as a people abandoned the true meaning of Christmas long ago.

        For decades, the day after Thanksgiving sees people across the United States begin a buying frenzy which has become as American as apple pie. For adults, the once sacred day of Christmas has been transformed into merely a break from hectic shopping. For most children (and child-like adults), it is nothing more than a day to open colorfully wrapped boxes containing the latest over-priced and over-marketed gadget which Chinese slave-laborers have to offer.

        This year's so-called Black Friday saw a store employee trampled to death, as the doors to a Long Island Wal-Mart were opened. Men and women continued stepping on the man as he lay dying. Several others were injured in the melee, including a 28 year old pregnant woman.

        The crowd which numbered about 2,000 actually broke down the doors around 5:00 am. Though their actions had just ended a man´s life, the savage crowd continued to shop.

        The rush of shoppers in search of promised bargains, more closely resembled a cattle stampede than anything remotely human.

        A police officer told the New York Post: "When the doors opened, all hell broke loose."

        Why did a man lose his life?…Because Wal-Mart was offering the following sale items: a $798 Samsung 50-inch Plasma HDTV, a $28 Bissel Compact Upright Vacuum, a Samsung 10.2 megapixel digital camera for $69 and DVDs such as "The Incredible Hulk" for $9.

        The violence associated with this day is nothing new. I remember a 2005 Black Friday incident in which a man was wrestled to the ground as angry shoppers cheered in an Orlando Wal-Mart. The man had apparently cut in a line filled with people waiting to buy discounted laptops. After watching the videotape of the beating, I would submit that he was lucky to leave the store in a conscious state.

        Apparently, one´s humanity is the going price for such bargains.

        What we call the "Christmas Season" is in reality the "shopping season." While the merchandising of Christmas begins earlier every year, the trend is not a new one. During the 1930's, President Franklin Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the third Thursday in November in hopes that retailers would get a boost with the addition of a full week to the shopping season. Congress eventually changed it back.

        Though 86 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians, the real religion of this country is consumerism. Parents frequently substitute expensive gifts for time spent with their children, just as husbands offer jewelry to their wives in lieu of fidelity.

        Too many of us seem to think that we cannot live without the latest gadget or trendiest garment. Behavior once only seen in over-indulged children, can now be widely observed in most adult Americans. Achievements are no longer made, they are simply purchased.

        While the big box stores make easy targets for self-styled religious leaders, it would be unfair to place the entire blame for today's materialistic society upon the narrow shoulders of America's corporate CEOs. It is we the people who have chosen to replace love and kindness with video games and expensive baubles.

        I am reminded of a Simpson's episode a few years ago, in which Bart so convincingly remarked that December 25th was "Santa's birthday!" Perhaps in the near future, all Americans will believe that day to be the very one on which their deep-discount savior Sam Walton was born. After all, his stores see much better Sunday attendance than do this nation's churches.

        Until we stop searching for the true meaning of Christmas in the electronics department or at the jewelry counter, it will always be just out of reach.

        But it doesn't have to be like that. Kick the retailers in the teeth.:

        [ame=""]YouTube- Advent Conspiracy: Spend less, Worship more[/ame]

        My family this year has turned our back on expensive gift giving. We give our time instead.

        Ever visited a animal shelter, and seen those poor, lonely animals? the dogs that cry out for comfort, the kitties that cry and reach their little paws through the cages, just for some small gift of attention? Just for one wee moment of your time?

        It WILL break your heart, if you're even remotely human.

        Give to them. They need you. Desparately.

        Do what Jesus would do.

        Close your wallet, and open your heart.

        Give money where it is truly needed, and dearly wanted.

        There are so many people and animals that need your time and attention, and maybe just a little money.

        Just a little. And it's so little to ask, and would mean soooo much to them.

        In this country we've been blessed beyond belief. Share the God given blessings with others.

        And that, is "What would Jesus would do".

        God bless you all.




        • Andy
          Honorary DSA

          It's sad to see a man lose his life because people just wanted to get those deals. And like you said, the really sad thing is that they didn't even care. I hate that generic "Happy Holidays." The pastor from my church said in his sermon this past Sunday that he was shocked when the cashier at Best Buy said "Merry Christmas!" and not Happy Holidays. At least some people can still get the greeting right. God bless you too Deslock. Merry Christmas!!!
          Last edited by Andy; 12-16-2009, 02:21 AM.


          • Deslock
            Darth Beratter

            I have said multiple times that I will not teach my children about Santa. Some people have called me crazy for saying that but am I really that crazy? I think not!
            God bless you Andy for that !!! :D

            My Mother and Father told me the truth since day one.

            That Christmas was a celebration of the birth of the Son of God !!!!!

            How freaking cool is that !!!??

            That Santa was a lie, but the real Saint Nicolaus RULED!!!!

            That he gave of love of the Lord, and loved the Lord so much, that he gave soooo much of himself !!! and that's why he was sainted. He was magical, because he loved everyone so much, that he worked all year long making toys himself, not magical elves on the "north pole", so that on one day, he might share the love with others, and their children. And did so most of his life.

            Don't let the retailers ruin the meaning of this oh so special time.

            Take the time to reach out to your family and your true friends. Don't be afraid to tell them that you love them sooo much.

            Spend time with them. Hug them. Love them.

            And that is the best gift of all.




            • Andy
              Honorary DSA

              I wish my parents had told the complete truth when I was a kid. Sure we are a good Christian family and they did teach that Christmas was about God but still did the whole Santa thing and let me believe in it. I am not even going to do anything with Santa if I ever have kids. I will teach them the true meaning of Christmas from day one just like your parents did. I don't know if you read my previous post fully. I had posted it but then went back and edited it and included a good story.


              • Deslock
                Darth Beratter

                It is truly ironic, that as a Christian, I spend more on my Halloween haunt, than Christmas.

                Because Halloween is still true to itself. Like Christmas used to be.

                And trust me, I've had my arguments about that.

                "It's based on a pagan holiday!!!, it's NOT Christian!!!"

                Ahem. Excuse me...??

                Read your history books. Every single Christian holiday, like Easter, are based on old world pagan holidays. Yeppers, that Christmas tree, that yule log, the Easter bunny...yep..All pagan beliefs. I've seen so called "Christians" rail on about how horrible Halloween is, and based on paganism, yet completely overlooking that "pagan" Christmas tree. They rail on about how the bible says that homosexuality is a sin, and against God. All the while overlooking the fact that it is a sin in the Bible for getting divorced for any other reason that cheating, and spousal and child abuse. But all these "Christians" don't say one word when people get re-married again....guess where? IN CHURCH !

                The band DC Talk said it best:

                "There has been nothing more damaging to the Christian faith in the eyes of non Christians, than Christians themselves."
                No truer words have ever been spoken.

                It's about love and forgiveness...not passing judgement. In fact God warned us explicitly that we do NOT ever have the "right" to look down on anyone else.

                LOVE ALL. Period.

                I have homosexual friends.

                It's not my place to judge.

                I have pagan friends.

                It's not my place to judge.

                I have friends of different religions.

                Once again, it's not my place to judge.

                My JOB is to be there for them if they need me, or my help, and love. :D

                Some rail on about abortion, that it's killing people, while ignoring the people already here, that are starving, or need some simple help or attention.

                It amazes me to no end that there are soooo many people that have read the words of Christ, yet cannot understand the meaning of it all.

                It's not about Santa. It's not about magical flying reindeer, talking snowmen, or elves on the North Pole making toys.

                It's about LOVE.

                It's really that plain and simple. is.

                Not expensive gifts, Video game systems, Ipods, or whatever.

                It's about lonely family members that would be overjoyed if you just took some time out to spend with them. Give them your love, and let them love you.

                I used to spend my summers as a child with my Grandparents. One time because I've always been an artist, I made this silly 'lil painting of an Indian Chief, because I grew up next to a Reservation, and totally respected the Hell out of those brave people, and gave it to my my 'lil German Grandfather.

                Years later when he passed away, I got leave and went to his funeral, because I was VERY close to my Grandparents. And after we buried him, we all went back to my Granny's place, and I went up to his room. And there on the top of his dresser, after God only knows how many years, there was that stupid 'lil painting I did for him as a child.

                I was stunned. I asked why in the world would he keep such a silly thing?

                My Granny said simply... "because you made it for him."

                Gifts do not have to be expensive to have meaning. I learned that, that dark day.

                My DSA brothers, live well, and love even harder. That is the best revenge against evil.

                Don't be afraid to love. Give freely of your time. Time is the only thing that we can spend, and never get back. Make it be worth something. Please !!

                I want every DSA here to give ME a gift. :

                This Christmas day, I want you to take one moment of that day, and hold someone you love, and look them in the eye, and tell them that you love them, that you really do.

                Nothing more. Nothing less.

                May God shower his love and blessings on each and every one of you.





                • Deslock
                  Darth Beratter


                  [ame=""]YouTube- Sermon on the mount[/ame]



                  • Andy
                    Honorary DSA

                    So after reading this and discussing with you Deslock, it inspired me to write a note on my facebook. since not everyone has a facebook, I will post it here. I used a lot of what we talked about here plus some other stuff. The title of this note is "The Real Saint Nicholas and the True Meaning of Christmas."

                    Most of the time if I were to ask who is the first person to come to mind when I say Saint Nicholas, people will respond by saying Santa Claus. But that answer is wrong. SO now you may ask who is the real Saint Nicholas? (If you don't want to read the whole note, then at least watch the videos at the bottom. However, I recommend you read the whole thing.)

                    Nicholas was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to the those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.

                    Under the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who ruthlessly persecuted Christians, Bishop Nicholas suffered for his faith, was exiled and imprisoned. The prisons were so full of bishops, priests, and deacons, there was no room for the real criminals—murderers, thieves and robbers. After his release, Nicholas attended the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. He died December 6, AD 343 in Myra and was buried in his cathedral church, where a unique relic, called manna, formed in his grave. This liquid substance, said to have healing powers, fostered the growth of devotion to Nicholas. The anniversary of his death became a day of celebration, St. Nicholas Day, December 6th. (For more details go to

                    The real Saint Nicholas was not a fat guy in a red suit who decided who is naughty and nice, spoil kids with presents, fly around with reindeer or have elves build all the toys. Saint Nicholas was a man of God who helped those in need. He had no naughty and nice list. He did all the work himself. In the words of one of my online gaming clan mates Deslock(No thats not his real name, I only know him by his gamertag),

                    "Saint Nicholas gave out of love of the Lord, and loved the Lord so much, that he gave soooo much of himself and that's why he was sainted. He was magical, because he loved everyone so much, that he worked all year long making toys himself, not magical elves on the "north pole", so that on one day, he might share the love with others, and their children. And did so most of his life."

                    I have said multiple times that I will not teach my children about this false person named Santa. Some people have called me crazy for saying that but am I really crazy? I think not!

                    People have completely forgotten the true meaning behind Christmas. This year's so-called Black Friday saw a store employee trampled to death, as the doors to a Long Island Wal-Mart were opened. Men and women continued stepping on the man as he lay dying. Several others were injured in the melee, including a 28 year old pregnant woman. And all for what? Because people were fighting to get to the $798 Samsung 50-inch Plasma HDTV, a $28 Bissel Compact Upright Vacuum, a Samsung 10.2 megapixel digital camera for $69 and DVDs such as "The Incredible Hulk" for $9.

                    So this Christmas put the presents and all that mumbo jumbo aside and remember the true meaning of Christmas and why this holiday was originally celebrated. It was to celebrate the birth of Jesus and not who can get the best gift. So as Christians why don't we take Christmas back. I issue a challenge to you for this year and from now on. Try spending less on gifts and focus more on worshiping Jesus. Also if you are at a store and the cashier says "Happy Holidays" say "Merry Christmas" back to them. My friend Deslock also showed me this organization. Check out the videos and the website. Maybe you can change someone's life this year.

                    [ame=""]YouTube- Advent Conspiracy Promo Video[/ame]

                    [ame=""]YouTube- [AC] Advent Conspiracy 2009 Promo Video[/ame]

                    [ame=""]YouTube- Advent Conspiracy: Spend less, Worship more[/ame]


                    • Deslock
                      Darth Beratter


                      Just wow...

                      [ame=""]YouTube- 8 Year Old Suspended For Drawing Jesus On Cross[/ame]

                      This is about the birth of Christ?:

                      [ame=""]YouTube- Black Friday 2008 Walmart[/ame]

                      Thank you Andy for keeping it real.

                      Enter the story.

                      Take it back from the retailers.

                      This isn't what Christmas is supposed to be about.

                      Saint Nicolaus would be absolutely horrified, and disgusted to the very bottom of his soul.

                      This is now what we've become?

                      God help us all !

                      Last edited by Deslock; 12-20-2015, 12:54 AM.



                      • jmhc74
                        Honorary DSA
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 2433

                        Originally posted by Deslock

                        The band DC Talk said it best:

                        Not to trivialize your thread...but by you posting that, you just brought back a ton of memories.

                        Overall, I here you.

                        A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


                        • cmj75
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 1178

                          Thanks for posting Deslock. I reccomend the following sermon by Peter Marshall to everyone: "Lets Keep Christmas". Peter Marshall was a great preacher in the early 20th century that was Chaplain of the Senate. This sermon will appeal mainly to Christians but it is a great reminder of putting things into proper perspective for anyone. Let me know what you guys think. If you can't find it online or somewhere easy let me know and I will find my book copy and post the whole thing.


                          • Deslock
                            Darth Beratter

                            I posted on this subject because as a Christian, It's not that I'm all a goody goody and all that. I'm just as earthy as anyone else. Goodness knows my closet rattles with enough skelletons. My own past is anything but squeeky clean.

                            It's just that after almost twenty years in working retail, I've come to despise how they've ruined what is supposed to be a beautiful, introspective time. A time of togetherness, kindness, and forgiveness. A time when families got together and thanked the Lord for all of his blessings that he's shared with us. You came into this world with nothing, and you'll damn sure leave the same way. Literally nothing but the clothes on your back.

                            I'm not preachy, and I leave others alone. I've been looking at Christmas crap since September. And not one damn thing has anything, and I mean anything to do with Jesus. It disgusts me. It's all about spend, spend, spend! Cha-ching!

                            Little Bobby or Susie wont live a moment longer without that Wii, and your wife will cease to exist without that diamond necklace! Your kids will hate you forever unless they get that X-Box, or PS3!

                            Enough already!!!

                            Our lives are not measured by our material gains, even if Wall Street wants you to think so.

                            "Dream like you'll live forever............. live like you'll die the next day".



                            • Andy
                              Honorary DSA

                              Thats why this year I cut way back on my spending on Christmas presents for my family. I am tired of having to spend so much money on Christmas. Let me tell you that Amazon is amazing for finding great deals. I was finding brand new items for $3 that would normally cost me $10-$15. And I did all my shopping online because it disgusts me to go into a store at this time of year. I can't stand seeing people act like a bunch of vicious animal trying to get that "perfect" gift. Well you know what? We already have that perfect gift and his name is JESUS!!!


